Wednesday, December 30, 2009
When the tough get goin'
There's a quote I read yesturday that has stuck with me, "The body on the couch wants to stay on the couch and it will as long as it does, but the body that begins moving, once it starts, wants to keep going"
You really don't realize how good it feels to move; whether running, walking, swimming or whatever it is you start doing; until you actually start doing it. It'll be tough to start and it might even hurt, it may even feel like you were better off staying where you were. But once you get going the results begin to outweigh the sacrifice and there's no stopping you!
The same is true in our faith walk. It hurts to start, it feels like someone made you run a marathon and you're not anywhere near the status of a wogger (that's part walker part jogger) and your body aches, you have trouble catching your breath and you're mad at the very fact that you've even decided to start this thing. BUT WHOA ONCE THE RESULTS BECOME EVIDENT!!!!!!
Let me encourage you, keep moving! Perhaps in your current fitness program you've reached a plateau; that's the point you haven't seen any difference, you've lost most of your motivation and you find cupcakes and soda are better partners than a dumbbell and 1 mile walk. Perhaps your current faith walk is just the same. With either of the two, change it up. What you've always done has reached it's max, it's time to do something different. The best way to shed off the stubborn unwanted excess is intervals, intervals are small bursts of strength training (ephesians 3:16, Joshua 1:6, Isaiah 40:31) and cardio conditioning (John 16:33, Col 1:11). And don't forget that what you are putting in your mouth is just as important as what comes out! (Proverbs 18:21)
In the matchless name of Christ I pray that you will recognize that He wants you to be ALL that He has called you to be! don't settle for status quo and oh well, go for more!
Keep movin',
-keep your heart pumpin' and your spirit movin'
We are quickly approaching the 21 Day Transformation! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. This is going to be the best year ever, and what's even better than that, we are just getting started.
Over the next 21 days we will transform our bodies, minds, spirts, eating habits and relationships. My hope for you is that you are able to find happiness and wholeness. Not in a superficial "I lost 20 lbs" kind of way, but in a satisfaction of who you really are, falling in love with the reflection in the mirror. Who we are, why we are the way we are, why we attract the folks we attract, why we fail and succeed, all of these areas will FINALLY have definition and we will be able to identify the REAL YOU!
Before a caterpillar transitions into its cocoon it goes through a process of shedding a layer of flesh called demasking. It then resorts to the safe place of transformation, wrapped in miraculous creation as it is finds strength, beauty, purpose and new life. Consider the next 21 Days your cocoon!
Here's to a new life, new purpose, new strength, and new beauty!
for more motivation during your Daniel Fast follow me and over 50 women on the inneractive community
-keep your heart pumpin' and your spirit movin'
Over the next 21 days we will transform our bodies, minds, spirts, eating habits and relationships. My hope for you is that you are able to find happiness and wholeness. Not in a superficial "I lost 20 lbs" kind of way, but in a satisfaction of who you really are, falling in love with the reflection in the mirror. Who we are, why we are the way we are, why we attract the folks we attract, why we fail and succeed, all of these areas will FINALLY have definition and we will be able to identify the REAL YOU!
Before a caterpillar transitions into its cocoon it goes through a process of shedding a layer of flesh called demasking. It then resorts to the safe place of transformation, wrapped in miraculous creation as it is finds strength, beauty, purpose and new life. Consider the next 21 Days your cocoon!
Here's to a new life, new purpose, new strength, and new beauty!
for more motivation during your Daniel Fast follow me and over 50 women on the inneractive community
-keep your heart pumpin' and your spirit movin'
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Due Date
This week I became ridiculously frustrated. To tears. It was almost like that pregnant friend who calls and says "just get this baby out of me, I'm over it at this point" and she knows there's at least a few weeks to go.
That's the discomfort I felt inside. Having given birth to 3 fair sized munchkins myself (all C-Section I might add); my emotions were trapped in the delivery room nausea, the fear of the post op pain, and the frustration of the post baby pooch.
Now I speak of this "pain" in childbirth like humor to prove a point. This past year, coincidentally "09", felt like 9 months of incubation, trimester cycles and physical reshaping. I felt like God was creating something in me that is now ready to be birthed.
For almost 8yrs now I've had the honor and privilege to nurture the healthy lifestyles of women from every walk and life-stage. We've talked, we've squatted, we've wogged (somewhere between walking and jogging) and we've become close friends.
I've committed to becoming the trainer that everyone seeks after, the "best" instructor on the schedule, the one that simply gets what it's like no matter what it is and yet somehow I feel as though my due date keeps getting pushed back.
Since inception, inneractive FITCLUB was created with an idea that we could keep busy moms fit while keeping their schedules and commitments with their children. I knew that it was God-breathed when I came upon the scripture which now stands as a cornerstone to my training philosophy; Ephesians 3:16 "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man."
So why am I so frustrated. Well, just as the pregger chick, I'm ready to get this thing out of me. I'm well certain it can breath on it's own, it has the legs and arms and all the appendages to move and stand and hold onto whatever is placed in its hands. Its ready, I've maintained a proper diet of the Word of God, an active lifestyle with consistent exercise in living a life of discipline and love and all things that are in the list of the fruits of the spirit, I have all the signs and symptoms of being ready to deliver! Arrrrrggggggg
But no delivery. YET! It's December 29th and I can reflect on the time I've prepared for this "birthing" and I can hope and pray that when God deems the time right for it to be presented to the world it will be beautiful. It will resemble my traits, it will have my character and personality but more important it will be evidence of His wonder and miracle in the process! Praise His Holy Name!!!!!!!!!! I am expecting!!!!!
-keep your heart pumpin' and your spirit movin'
That's the discomfort I felt inside. Having given birth to 3 fair sized munchkins myself (all C-Section I might add); my emotions were trapped in the delivery room nausea, the fear of the post op pain, and the frustration of the post baby pooch.
Now I speak of this "pain" in childbirth like humor to prove a point. This past year, coincidentally "09", felt like 9 months of incubation, trimester cycles and physical reshaping. I felt like God was creating something in me that is now ready to be birthed.
For almost 8yrs now I've had the honor and privilege to nurture the healthy lifestyles of women from every walk and life-stage. We've talked, we've squatted, we've wogged (somewhere between walking and jogging) and we've become close friends.
I've committed to becoming the trainer that everyone seeks after, the "best" instructor on the schedule, the one that simply gets what it's like no matter what it is and yet somehow I feel as though my due date keeps getting pushed back.
Since inception, inneractive FITCLUB was created with an idea that we could keep busy moms fit while keeping their schedules and commitments with their children. I knew that it was God-breathed when I came upon the scripture which now stands as a cornerstone to my training philosophy; Ephesians 3:16 "that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man."
So why am I so frustrated. Well, just as the pregger chick, I'm ready to get this thing out of me. I'm well certain it can breath on it's own, it has the legs and arms and all the appendages to move and stand and hold onto whatever is placed in its hands. Its ready, I've maintained a proper diet of the Word of God, an active lifestyle with consistent exercise in living a life of discipline and love and all things that are in the list of the fruits of the spirit, I have all the signs and symptoms of being ready to deliver! Arrrrrggggggg
But no delivery. YET! It's December 29th and I can reflect on the time I've prepared for this "birthing" and I can hope and pray that when God deems the time right for it to be presented to the world it will be beautiful. It will resemble my traits, it will have my character and personality but more important it will be evidence of His wonder and miracle in the process! Praise His Holy Name!!!!!!!!!! I am expecting!!!!!
-keep your heart pumpin' and your spirit movin'
Monday, December 28, 2009
Daniel Fast 2010
Here we are in a new year, the end of a fantastic discovery about who God is, how to believe Him and discover more about who I am! In 2009 I took a stand on believing God, the enemy tried to challenge me but I won! This year I'm looking forward to what God wants to do with me, what He wants me to do for Him and who will be involved in this journey! Each year I start with a tremendous expectation, but for some reason my expectation is greater this year. I am VERY excited!
5 statements of faith
God is who He says He is
God can do What He says He can do
I am who God says I am
I can do what God says I can do
God's word is alive and living in me
I'm believing God.
so we begin the Daniel Fast and I'm ready to map out my hit list. (If you are just joining me and dont have an understanding of the fast, please read the previous post of Daniel Fast 2009)
Basically, here's what you need to know
It's not a diet! Daniel made a sincere effort to maintain his belief in God that He would never fail him and no matter what opposition he faced, no matter what compromise someone forced upon him, no matter how hot it got, he would NEVER denounce God. So for that purpose, he declared that he would deny the food everyone else ate if that meant his position on his faith proved him worthy of God's hand. This is the Daniel Fast!
Here are a few recipes I have found to assist you in what to eat.
1 cup cooked brown rice
fresh apple (cut up into bite size pieces – to taste)
raisins (to taste)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspooon 100% pure edible coconut oil
Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl (except the oil), heat for 2 minutes. Add oil, stir and Eat! It is delicious!
You could probably add soy milk to this, but I don’t like soy milk so I didn’t and it was just as tasty (and filling!
5 statements of faith
God is who He says He is
God can do What He says He can do
I am who God says I am
I can do what God says I can do
God's word is alive and living in me
I'm believing God.
so we begin the Daniel Fast and I'm ready to map out my hit list. (If you are just joining me and dont have an understanding of the fast, please read the previous post of Daniel Fast 2009)
Basically, here's what you need to know
It's not a diet! Daniel made a sincere effort to maintain his belief in God that He would never fail him and no matter what opposition he faced, no matter what compromise someone forced upon him, no matter how hot it got, he would NEVER denounce God. So for that purpose, he declared that he would deny the food everyone else ate if that meant his position on his faith proved him worthy of God's hand. This is the Daniel Fast!
Here are a few recipes I have found to assist you in what to eat.
1 cup cooked brown rice
fresh apple (cut up into bite size pieces – to taste)
raisins (to taste)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspooon 100% pure edible coconut oil
Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl (except the oil), heat for 2 minutes. Add oil, stir and Eat! It is delicious!
You could probably add soy milk to this, but I don’t like soy milk so I didn’t and it was just as tasty (and filling!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Finding Balance
A few weeks ago I started having these weird dizzy spells.
At first I chalked it up to the sleepless nights of nothingness like blogging at 12:28am! But with a quiet house and Christmas music, what else is there to do? I laugh as I fight the heaviness in my eyes...anyway, so these "spells" started hitting me very randomly but almost certainly and severely might I add. My husband even chuckled at one episode and responded by calling me "dopsy" which was the name I inherited during pregnancy because I tripped over shoes, rug corners and even air at times.
But these episodes were weird because I would be standing in one place and all of a sudden feel like I was falling. Knowing that it wasn't right I started combing my daily routines for possible causes and solutions. One friend suggested improper diet and lack of sleep, well, now there's a clever's beginning to look alot like Christmas so....yeah, does that mean Ima be dizzy for the next few weeks? NO! I refused that one.
So began the self diagnosis.
Rx #1-Equilibrium, maybe too much cold damp air on my head when I leave the gym after teaching a class. hmmm, maybe but there wasn't any pain or drainage (I'd apologize for using graphic descriptives but we are all moms-those words don't offend us).
Rx #2-Lack of sleep-uh, nope been there, havn't done that, need to do that but yep still not happenin'---scratch that
Rx #3-Balance-hey, I was reading somewhere that pre-menopasal symptoms are weird and unexplainable. And with all the unexplainable random crying I've been doing, that could be it. After all, I USE TO be the queen of planks and Core training. Though, I've slacked on doing it myself I delight myself making my clients do planks til they despise me :-)...but for now, that wasn't it either.
Ok, stay with me on this one...maybe it's internal, like deeper than the belly button to spine issue.
Here was my Ah-Ha (sorry Oprah) moment...I remembered reading in one of my FAVORITE books "Captivating: unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul" By Stasi Eldredge; that dizzy spells might be a form of your spirit being out of balance.
Now, I'm not trying to get all woo-y but it kinda made sense. If my spirit was happy one day, sad the next, I'd call that out of balance. But anyway so I pulled out the book for clarity. It made perfect sense.
I'm 10 weeks in the heart of a bible study I'm doing called "Believing God" this study has really helped me know that I can pray and ask God for the smallest or grandest things. It's really increased my faith and understanding of what God wants to bless me with. One of the key principals is to not grow weary in doing what's right and to stand firm because God will never fail me. STAND FIRM!
That was in! Because I decided to take a STAND on believing God is bigger than I've always imagined Him; that whether my prayers are for more time in a day or a miraculous healing or motivation to get in a workout and eat right, because I decided that "ain't nuttin gonna break my stride" there were negative forces tryin' to slow me down! (One of my faves again)
So I up-ed my prayers. I prayed for balance! I prayed for CORE STRENGTH! Ha! Core Strength, how many times have I explained to people the difference between CORE STRENGTH and 6 Pack Abs?
Core Strength is that deep underlying muscle support that keeps everything that's vital to you staying alive, well protected and it keeps your spine in tact so that you can STAND tall and keep your BALANCE.
So that's it, my balance was being challenged. So how do you regain your balance? Focus!...What was I so focused on that it had me dizzy, feeling like I was about to fall over? Have you felt that? Out of control maybe, unstable, waivering on decisions, a little off? What's got your focus?
At first I chalked it up to the sleepless nights of nothingness like blogging at 12:28am! But with a quiet house and Christmas music, what else is there to do? I laugh as I fight the heaviness in my eyes...anyway, so these "spells" started hitting me very randomly but almost certainly and severely might I add. My husband even chuckled at one episode and responded by calling me "dopsy" which was the name I inherited during pregnancy because I tripped over shoes, rug corners and even air at times.
But these episodes were weird because I would be standing in one place and all of a sudden feel like I was falling. Knowing that it wasn't right I started combing my daily routines for possible causes and solutions. One friend suggested improper diet and lack of sleep, well, now there's a clever's beginning to look alot like Christmas so....yeah, does that mean Ima be dizzy for the next few weeks? NO! I refused that one.
So began the self diagnosis.
Rx #1-Equilibrium, maybe too much cold damp air on my head when I leave the gym after teaching a class. hmmm, maybe but there wasn't any pain or drainage (I'd apologize for using graphic descriptives but we are all moms-those words don't offend us).
Rx #2-Lack of sleep-uh, nope been there, havn't done that, need to do that but yep still not happenin'---scratch that
Rx #3-Balance-hey, I was reading somewhere that pre-menopasal symptoms are weird and unexplainable. And with all the unexplainable random crying I've been doing, that could be it. After all, I USE TO be the queen of planks and Core training. Though, I've slacked on doing it myself I delight myself making my clients do planks til they despise me :-)...but for now, that wasn't it either.
Ok, stay with me on this one...maybe it's internal, like deeper than the belly button to spine issue.
Here was my Ah-Ha (sorry Oprah) moment...I remembered reading in one of my FAVORITE books "Captivating: unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul" By Stasi Eldredge; that dizzy spells might be a form of your spirit being out of balance.
Now, I'm not trying to get all woo-y but it kinda made sense. If my spirit was happy one day, sad the next, I'd call that out of balance. But anyway so I pulled out the book for clarity. It made perfect sense.
I'm 10 weeks in the heart of a bible study I'm doing called "Believing God" this study has really helped me know that I can pray and ask God for the smallest or grandest things. It's really increased my faith and understanding of what God wants to bless me with. One of the key principals is to not grow weary in doing what's right and to stand firm because God will never fail me. STAND FIRM!
That was in! Because I decided to take a STAND on believing God is bigger than I've always imagined Him; that whether my prayers are for more time in a day or a miraculous healing or motivation to get in a workout and eat right, because I decided that "ain't nuttin gonna break my stride" there were negative forces tryin' to slow me down! (One of my faves again)
So I up-ed my prayers. I prayed for balance! I prayed for CORE STRENGTH! Ha! Core Strength, how many times have I explained to people the difference between CORE STRENGTH and 6 Pack Abs?
Core Strength is that deep underlying muscle support that keeps everything that's vital to you staying alive, well protected and it keeps your spine in tact so that you can STAND tall and keep your BALANCE.
So that's it, my balance was being challenged. So how do you regain your balance? Focus!...What was I so focused on that it had me dizzy, feeling like I was about to fall over? Have you felt that? Out of control maybe, unstable, waivering on decisions, a little off? What's got your focus?
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
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